Sunday, April 11, 2010

today is the platform for tomorrow

Today is a new day!

What can you do today to make it your greatest day?

Shake things up today.

Take time to think about all the things you are grateful for.

Call a friend and make them laugh.

Let go of past regrets and future insecurities.

Stop validating your victim mentality.

Embrace the immeasurable power you have been blessed with.

Say goodbye to people who mean you harm.

Surround yourself with positive people.

Excuse yourself from any relationship that is hurtful.

Understand that you are here to grow, to learn, to love, and be loved.

Do something you've wanted to do but always talked yourself out of.

Share your dreams and thoughts with someone close to you.

Remind yourself that you are beautiful, powerful, and created by love.

Today you have the opportunity to do so much!

You can choose to make it the same ol' same ol' or you can make it great.

Choose to make it great.

Today is a new day.

Make today your greatest day!. . . then do it again tomorrow :)

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