Sunday, April 11, 2010

A new begining

today i woke up at 6 am then i went for a morning walk to breath a newly born volume of air.
when i came back , i found my laptop was on , i got shocked for a while but at the same time i remembered it was only me who slept off last night without turning off the laptop..
thank you god.
dear blog,
well today i suddenly gave a thought to search on POOR INDIA .I couldn't believe,
76,100,000 was the exact number of results found covering the front page with some pics shown here.
i picked one article here it goes.......

Life of a poor man in India
Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate.

It has repeatedly been said that number of poor people in India always remained on the higher side and that is the reason we have been recognized and known in the world that we are a country of beggars. The number of poor people is on he higher side which could clearly mean that the people come to seats of power are actually elected by them and they could get this opportunity to rule us only because of the votes of these poor people. But still it is on record that none is doing anything with which they could root out poverty from India. There is nothing hidden and we can notice poverty in India with bear eyes. The life of a poor person in India is like this:-
(1) He wears rags, is weak, no happiness on his face, he is sad, he is frustrated, he is dirty, his clothes are torn and therefore, from he very look on this person we can say that he is a poor man of India.
(2) He lives in a mud house, he lives in a hut, he is sleeping under the open skies, he is dumped in some small room, he has got no bath room therefore, he does not take his bath till some religious day comes when he is obliged to take his bath, he has got no privacy and therefore, he has to clear his inside in the open and that is the reason, people from abroad call India an open latrine.
(3) He has got no prescribed items for his breakfast, for his lunch and for his dinner. He is to fill the belly and whatever is available and at what time that is available, he takes those items offering thanks to the God.
(4) It is not necessary that the items he is eating are fresh, hot or preserved for him, but he takes the same without considering the fact that the items shall create some trouble for him and it must be accepted that the bacteria available in his body would counter the bacteria coming from outside and he shall digest whatever he has taken.
(5) He has got no arrangement for the summer or for the winter and no science and technology is helping him in these hot days and in these cold days. He has learnt the art of bearing all these colds and all the hot.
(6) He can remain ill and even then he can work because he has got no money with him to get proper treatment. There are free hospitals and dispensaries, but since no medicines are available in those units, he suffers and there are chances that he may die and very few people shall come to help him.
(7) He is weak because he does not know the art of keeping himself healthy and it must be accepted that he has got no knowledge of eatables which could provide him energy. If he has got some knowledge, he is not in a position to purchase the same because of his income and because of the price prescribed.
(8) People who deploy this poor man at work shall take work from him which is more than his body could bear, but they have paid him money and therefore, they have got a right take overtime work from this fellow against very meager wages. Even the state who has prescribed minimum wages for him are not in a position to prepare a budget for a poor family.
(9) We can recognize a poor person because his children shall not be going to school. They are deployed on work so that they could compensate the lower income of the house. The states have passed laws, but still they are not bothering that the children are in the schools. They have banned child labour, but no machinery has been establish to find out all the children and get freedom for them and if they get such a freedom for them, the state is not interested in taking up the responsibility of these children and therefore, the parents can establish them at another work till they are caught by the state for the second or third time.
(10) The poor man could be recognized when he is being scolded by the employer.
(11) Most of the poor people have adopted the path of begging and they are available at all the religious places and the people giving charities are found behaving this crowd of poor people like dogs and the animals and even they serve them food as they serve their own dogs in the house.
(12) A man is poor when he has got no savings with him for the rainy days. It is on record that even the state could not provide them security when they are ill, when they are in family way, when are handicapped or are admitted in a hospital for long term treatment.
(13) It must be admitted that even God is not listening to the poor people of India. They are found in large number at religious places offering prayer, but they go back empty handed. God is not listening to their prayers.
(14) The poor people have been made to believe that none had snatched away things from them, but it is God Himself who had written wrong luck and destiny for them and they are suffering punishment because of some bad act committed in this life or in some life previous to this life. None is taking responsibility and even the state is silent about the poor and no government could find out the causes of poverty in India and none has proposed methods through which this poverty could be removed from India. The people in democracy could not remove this poverty even after lapse of six decades.
(15) India is a country, economy of which is set in such a way that the poor are becoming more poor and the rich are growing more rich.
(16) The poor person has got his own identification because he is condemned to inferiority complex and he is found with folded hands at every place and this is his first recognition.
(17) The poor man should go to jail because all the jails in India have got poor people on the higher side and it is established that here in India all crimes, all sins and all misconducts are committed by the poor people and therefore, they should go to jails and all the rich are out showing that they do not commit crimes, sins and the misconducts.
(18) There is no provision for the widows, for the orphans and for the diseased people and they are to die or they are to commit suicide because no one shall be coming forward to help them and bring out of this problem.
(19) In India even politicians had been raising false slogans and they had been giving false promises to these poor people and they had been getting votes from them. Had all the promises made up to date had been executed, this country could have become a Heaven.
(20) Mahatma Gandhi who is known as the father of the nation had been promising the poor that they shall be getting Ram Rajaya in this country. He never defined what is this raj and what the poor shall get and he was out before he could bring Ram Rajaya in this country.
(21) We can locate poor children when they are given books, stationery items, lunch and summer clothes in the schools in presence of the children who have come from rich families and thus the state is trying to condemn these children to inferiority complex from the beginning and such children would never be able to face the children from rich families.
(22) We must accept that when the police beat a person in a police station, he is a poor man because rich and powerful people come out from police custody more healthy and happy.
(23) In all the towns and in all villages, the poor people are not allowed to establish their houses in colonies in which rich and powerful people are living and the poor people are obliged to establish their own separate colonies in India.
(24) In India even hospitals, hotels, schools, colleges, training institutions are established separately for the poor and for the rich because these units are so costly that the poor people cannot dream of it.
(25) When we try to find out poor people, we can find the same arranged in trains like goods where no facility is provided to them.
(26) We can notice poor people standing in rows and casting their votes, but after this rehearsal, they are pushed back to suffer for another term of five years. They are not allowed to approach the candidates who have won through their votes.
(27) The poor people are standing in rows before the Employment Exchanges waiting for their turns when people are getting jobs through auction and through favouritism. The poor people are not having proper education and therefore, they have got no merits in their certificates and matrimonials.
So this is the condition of poor people in India and these conditions were available for them during the rule of rajas, maharajas, monarchs and even under the imperialists. In spite of all this independence and all this democracy, they are still standing in the same position today and therefore, there seem no chance that their conditions shall improve because the state had been keeping them waiting during all these six decades. Therefore, they must collect and pray before God who only can help them.
INDIA - rich or poor

I recently came across this strange paradox. India is both poor & rich!

35 per cent of Indian population lives on less than $1 a day, which is comparable to Bangladesh’s 36 per cent and much worse than Pakistan’s 17 per cent.

The world bank reported that India is 12th wealthiest nation in 2005 with its GDP touching 785.47 billion dollars or Rs 35,34,615 crore . US was the wealthiest nation with GDP of 12.46 trillion dollars. While India was way down compared to China, positioned fourth with 2.23 trillion dollars of GDP, it was wealthier than Mexico, Russia and Australia.

According to recent Forbe’s list of Wealthiest people in the world, there are 23 billionaires in India with combined net worth of $99bn, surpassing former Asian leader Japan’s 27 billionaires with their total worth of $67bn.

The outsourcing revolution has created unprecendented opportuntities and wealth for Indians. But we are also seeing unprecendented levels of social and moral crises in India?Is all this development and progress at the cost of India’s soul? Jesus once asked - “What good is it for man to gain the whole world and yet lose his own soul?” (Lk 9:25)

But should we measure wealth of a nation only in economic terms only? Are people in richer nations happy? Has riches solved people’s eternal quests?

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